Friday, February 1, 2019

book #2 {february 2019}

Whiskey in a Teacup

OK... Book #2 in February is... Whisky in a Tea Cup, by Reese Witherspoon. I know its not your average book club book, but my friend, Tina,  picked it and we're going with it. At first I thought to myself... Hmmm why a cookbook? Then I said, stop questioning it and read it. Just enjoy and have a good time! Then I got the idea... Why not cook something once a week out of her book for the month of February. Now that sounds fun!  So if you want to join in on our rustic rooster book club.. Go on over to the sidebar to the right and stay tuned for a new book each month. Can't wait.... Plus, I'm going to write a review on Book #1 {january 2019}... Girl, Wash your face, by Rachel Hollis. Can't wait to share all my thought on that one! Enjoy and keep me posted if you cook anything!  

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