Are you a green thumb or a black thumb? I'm in between. Some days I'm so into gardening and its super exciting. My garden looks gorgeous! Then I forget to tend to my garden the next week. I really have good intentions, but life for me takes over. After our re-mo "phase 2" is complete and I don't have to jump over boxes, tarps and empty paint cans I'm going dive in again and make a few spots in my yard glorious. I believe if you have an old house that needs tons of TLC... Just get rid of the junk surrounding your property and plant a few pots with glorious flowers. That's all you need to help your exterior space out. Clean up and plant... Then you can tackle exterior projects one step at a time. So back to the question... Are you a green thumb or a black thumb? TRUTH: I'm a middle thumb {wink}. Just keeping it real!
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
adventure time
I know we all are penciling {inking} our 2019 New Years resolutions down in January and are ready to roll in February... Or some of you are starting to fizzle out of actually doing the resolutions you set out to do. Hmmmm I didn't set big huge earth shattering resolutions this year because of that reason and I feel that everyday is a New Day, New Start {read here}... We all get so pumped up and want to change and do everything from A to Z in the beginning. Which I think is a good thing and no one should ever crush your dreams and goals ever! But {for me}, i've learned from past experiences to keep it simple and conquer what I can handle in a very practical way. This 2019 like I said, in my last post {here} I start everyday over and say thank you... And restart with good intentions. So if didn't do it today... I'll get a chance to do it the next day. But if you must know what mine really are for 2019... Drum Roll Please!!!!
1.) Read 1 book a month
{January book - Girl, Wash Your Face, by Rachel Hollis} #rusticroosterbookclub
2.) Do 1 adventure a month
{January adventure - Get all of my 2019 resolutions penciled in} #roosteradventures
3.) Blog more
{I sure am... And i'm loving it. I'm writing from my heart and having fun!}
Spoiler Alert: My adventure in February will be taking a Beach painting class. {Holy Smokes} I'm so excited! I have always wanted to do this. No joke i've talked about this forever that it was getting old and boring to talk about. So Starting this Wednesday, February 7th {7 Wednesdays} at 9:00am to 12:00pm I will be getting my art on and trying to paint the ocean. Truth, I'm a little nervous. I haven't painted in years! And i'm not the best painter. No Picasso here! I'm sure you all are thinking what, you're an interior designer you should be amazing at drawing. NOPE I'm not! So I will document my February painting adventure on my rustic rooster Instagram stories. Go follow me over there and then follow along on my adventure. Hey, you never know I could be the next budding artist! Wish me luck!!!! What's your next adventure?
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
hart of dixie
Ahhhh Hart of Dixie was such a cute little TV series to watch! I was flipping through Netflix one night and saw a clip of it and said, Hmmm this looks so cute, why not!? Seriously, Why not! The main character is beyond adorable. Her fashion and beauty style is so fun and creative. Big time New Yorker girl turned small town Souther charmer. I could get used to that... I think the main actor, Zoe Hart {Rachel Bilson} is no joke 5'2" tall so some of the outfits wouldn't work for me {wink}... But the creativity is fabulous! The kids decided to join me watching it. Heads up, it does talk about sex, but you don't visually see any of that. So I think its still rated a little Gish. Now I know some of you moms and dads reading this might say, OH BOY what are you doing? I know, but guess what I would rather have my kids be able to talk to me about sex than not talk to me at all about it and get into trouble. Yes, Taylor and Ryan are still young but since they go to public school and with todays social media outlets sex is everywhere! Kids talk about it more than you think. Well, They don't have any boyfriends or girlfriends knocking at my door yet. But my communication with them is O P E N, R E A L and very H O N E S T! I grew up in a household that it wasn't spoken of. Not saying my childhood experience was bad... Actually my childhood was insanely good. Too good to be true! I always say this, If their were unicorns in the world, I would have had them in my backyard! I just wished my mom and dad were a little more open about all that. That topic was wasn't really discussed... OK How did I get off on that tangent. Just watch this series. It has such a small town loving feel... Makes you want to move, keep your friends very close, dress super cool, eat tons of baked goods, be honest and fall in l o v e! GO... GO... GO watch it!
Monday, January 28, 2019
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Thursday, January 24, 2019
what the what

{OK} I'm not a fashion blogger or a fashion stylist at all. I'm my own stylist to me, myself and I... And I love it for me! I'm sure you all have figured out my go to style is J-Crew. But what's happening with them. I get they've had a lot of problems financially {tried to get so high end and a little untouchable to buy}, fired a few people {that happens}, but their last run with clothes... "What the heck is going on!" J-crew is not trendy. Lets all say this together... J-Crew is NOT trendy at all! They're so classic it's awesome! I walked into their store yesterday and about fell over. Everything was on sale and and and it was so empty {such a cold feeling}. I nearly fell over and gasped. B U T, I pulled myself together for all classy lady in the world and said, a little prayer silently put my game face on and walked out. What's going on? Please say, they have realized J-Crew is NOT trendy and they need to go back to the basics and stay classic! I'm crossing my fingers an entire new fabulous classic line is coming out!!!!! I believe in you J-Crew! So lets all clothes are eyes and pray changes is coming... And old school J is coming back!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
looking up
Yesterday was such an easy drapery install... Seriously so smooth I forgot about all my design problems! Now, lets go back a few months... Right before Christmas to be exact. I was on the hunt for thin brass drapery rods with brass rings. That's where my situation got ugly. Had a few ugly days asking why, why, why! The hardware situation was taking a left turn for the absolute worst. Every rod we would find would either be too expensive or just the wrong design/finish. Custom was definitely in the stars... But it wasn't going in our favor! Then I stumbled upon a great deal from Ballard's Designs. Yes, Ballard's Designs with the catalogue and online shopping store! That magical place! I saw some fabulous brass rods and rings in it. I knew I had to jump on that train and get them... ASAP! They were on sale and free shipping. Now thats what dreams are made of... SALE and FREE SHIPPING! It was go time! I ordered them and I am so happy I did! Now back to the drapery install... As I opened the box and saw the rods I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, then said, "This is going to look great!" They did! So the reason for this post is, you can find less expensive rods that can still achieve that million dollar look, without breaking the bank!
Monday, January 21, 2019
monday keto {menu}

O K Yes I am trying the new "KETO" lifestyle, movement, diet... Whatever you want to call it. The KETO way! I started 3 months ago and feel really great! On the 3rd day of my no sugar and no carbs KETO way, I thought I was going to die. I really was so over it! I believe I had the KETO flue they call it. You're physically exhausted, have a massive headache {nothing helps} and you ache from head to toe. Yup, that was me to the m a x! I sat down and said, "What the heck did I get myself into again?!" Why? Do I want this? Why? After about an hour of contemplation {really wanting that burrito} I said, I got this! It's time to follow through and see what so many people are raving about. The feeling absolutely great to having tons of energy throughout the day. Who wouldn't want that... Plus, I needed to focus more and be able to work longer hours without crashing earlier in the day. Plus, being a mom is a 24/7 {no breaks} job. So I went up on YouTube and asked, why am I so tired, plus how do I work through this KETO flue? YouTube said, TONS of water, B5 vitamin and exercise to deplete your carb intake in your body. I went guns a blazing and worked out H A R D! So in my Yoga 6 - Boot Camp class, I thought I was going to pass out and barf. Are you still interested in the KETO way? LOL I walked out... And once again said, "What am I doing!?" Then I drank water, wiped my face and said, "You got this!" Go slow and get those stupid carbs out of your system! I want to feel good {have more energy} and burn the fat off my body! I did it and made it through... One huge piece of advise with going KETO or just cutting out carbs and sugar be prepared and do your food in advance {if you can}. It helps you a lot! Now my food consumption is way less and I know what I can and cannot eat. I good with that. I'm sure you're all wondering if I've had any sugar or carbs... Heck Ya! Hello... Let me list a few times... Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Brunch, Christmas Dinner, Traveled Back East: Boston goodies to Vermont goodies to the occasional OMG that looks so good i'll try it!
T R U T H, I get really bad headache and feel like... Yes, you guessed it CRAP! With a huge Capital C! I have learned to take a taste of something verses binging or denying myself at all!
So to help you if you are on KETO or thinking about it... Here's a recipe that I'm going to try this week. Oh yes my kids kind of do it... Because I'm the main master Chef in the house. They still have carbs and sugar, but way less. I'm good with that!!!
- 4 medium chicken breasts pounded to even thickness OR OR 6-8 boneless chicken thighs skinless or with skin
- sea salt and pepper to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes optional or to taste
- 3 tablespoons butter swap with olive oil for paleo
- 1/2 small onion chopped
- 4 garlic cloves sliced or minced
- 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
- Juice of 1 medium lemon
- 3-4 tablespoons heavy cream leave out for paleo
- Chopped fresh parsley and lemon slices optional for garnish
- Cast Iron Skillet
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Friday, January 18, 2019
book #1 {january 2019}
F Y I... I'm not a big reader at all. I have to make myself read at night. Remember when your mom or dad would set the kitchen timer and make you read for 20 to 30 minutes a night when you were younger... Yup, I do that to myself! Don't get me wrong, some books grab my attention and I get sucked into the fabulous world of reading and feel so amazing after... And then want to tell everyone about it! Of course Danielle Steel's Romance novels suck me in {wink wink} and I can read super fast! So in 2019 I'm reading a book a month... Want to jump on board with reading this book with me for the month of January? I should have told you all about my journey earlier {so sorry}, but with Christmas New Years, kids, work and traveling I haven't been on social media that much! Hey, better late than never... Right? So go get Girl, Wash Your Face, By Rachel Hollis. I got it for Christmas and so far so good! I'm really liking it... A lot! I won't say anything till i'm {you're} done. Hurry up people! Go get it and we can chat about all the positives, negatives and huge teachings that the book has to offer! I know some of you could read this book in a day {braggers}... So I've been told that!
Look on the upper right side bar of my blog and see rustic roosters book club suggestion of the month. This will be so fun!
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
new year... new start
New Year... New start! Right? NO! NO! NO! Everyday is a New Year... New Start! I kept thinking about all my New Years resolutions and goals, but realized one very important thing, every morning I wake up I can actually start over and start new intentions. New Start! I read a fabulous book by Tim Tebow, This is The Day and It's true, This is The Day... Make it the best day of your life. Have fun stop worrying and go! Play with your kids, leave the laundry in the basket, make those cookies and eat them! You never know what will happen today, tomorrow or even in 30 minutes. Hey, we all should definitely make a list of goals and break them all down, step by step to accomplish them... I get that, but we need to remember that life is fast and overtime we keep putting more and more pressure on ourselves and we truly miss one thing that's the most important to all... Our Happiness. I believe I have told you all this before... Every morning I wake up and say, today is the day! No joke I do this every morning! Everything is going to be awesome! HA HA Emmet from the Lego movie actually has it right! Everything is awesome! lol I think of all the things i'm grateful for {my family, my kids, my bed, my job, my health, the food on the table, the sky... etc.} and say them over and over again! I know some people have it harder than others and I'm not disputing that, but getting your mind into the right frame is truly the key. If it means signing yourself up for therapy... GO DO IT! If it means eating healthy... GO DO IT! If it means you need to get out and exercise... GO DO IT! You truly can do anything you put your mind to. Yes, my father passed away from Prostate Cancer... Yes, I have had very difficult design clients. Yes, I got a divorce. Yes, I've fallen off my healthy eating wagon... Yes, I have yelled at my children so loud that my voice practically went out... Yes, I've signed up for that marathon and never showed up for it... Yes, Yes, Yes... But guess what does that mean I should just sit on the couch and eat bon bons and wait till next year to start all over. NOPE! Come on people it's ok to fail... Making a list will definitely help you see what you need to do, but if you feel overwhelmed just take one day at a time and one goal at a time. Go slow and be very simple {realistic}. I have never been happier with all the choices that I have made. O K yes I've made a few mistakes along the way {who hasn't, we're all human}... But guess what every day is a new day... New start! Are you all getting my point? A new year is fabulous with T O N S of same old goals and intentions, but everyday is truly amazing and a new start {year}. Look at your journey that way! What can you do differently today that you didn't do yesterday. It might be... Wear some lipstick and clean out your closet, to smile at 5 people when you're out walking. My favorite is to compliment someone you've never met. I love seeing the glow on someones face when I let them know I love their hair or shoes. It takes one positive foot forward to make the right decisions. DO IT!
Monday, January 7, 2019
morning delight {monday menu}
{recipe here}
- 1/2 cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
- 1 large egg
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- zest of half an orange (optional)
- 1-1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- 1/2 tsp ground cloves
- 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp fine grain sea salt
- 1/2 cup canola or vegetable oil
- 1/3 cup molasses
- 1/3 cup whole milk
- 1/3 cup organic cane sugar
- 1/3 cup (packed) dark brown sugar
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled
Maple Vanilla Glaze
- 1 cup confectioners (powdered) sugar, sifted
- 1-2 Tbsp milk
- 1 Tbsp pure maple syrup
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- Preheat the oven to 400° F. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners or lightly grease with butter or non-stick cooking spray. Set aside.
- In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the pumpkin and egg until completely combined. Whisk in the vanilla, orange zest (if using), spices, and salt.
- Add the oil, molasses, and milk, stirring until completely combined after each addition. Add the sugars, and stir to combine.
- Add the baking powder and baking soda, and stir to combine. Fold in the flour until just mixed. Do not overbeat.
- Use a cookie scoop to divide the batter evenly between the muffin cups, filling each about 3/4 full.
- Bake for 10 minutes at 400° F. Turn the oven temperature down to 375° F., and bake for an additional 7-9 minutes, until the muffin tops are set, and a cake tester inserted into the center of each muffin comes out clean.
- Let cool in the muffin tin for 5 minutes, then transfer to a baking rack to cool completely. Serve warm or at room-temperature.
Maple Vanilla Glaze (or Frosting)
- In a small bowl, stir together the powdered sugar and milk until the glaze is smooth and creamy. Stir in the maple syrup and vanilla. Add more or less milk to create a thicker/thinner consistency, if preferred.
- If glazing: While the muffins are still warm, dip the tops of each in the glaze, then place on a baking rack to cool and set.
- If frosting: Wait for the muffins to fully cool, then use a knife or small offset spatula to spread on the frosting.
- X O X O
- Alexandra
Sunday, January 6, 2019
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