Thursday, November 28, 2019

gobble gobble

{all photos are from rustic rooster pinterest... here}

Thanksgiving is a little reality check in my book. It's a time to show gratitude and thank the special people in our lives... Being thankful is more than the clothing on our backs, but its the people we surround ourselves with. Taking a moment and writing down a list of who or what you are thankful for is pretty simple and really only takes 5 minutes. Try it... You will feel joy and happiness within. What or who are you grateful for?

Every day I thank my lucky stars for my kids... They show me how to love, laugh, cry be patience to live life. I receive pure happiness from them. As I teach them they teach me. If you stop for a moment and listen to what they have to say they are pretty wise. I couldn't imagine my life without my kids. I am grateful everyday God blessed me with these two beautiful and healthy little angels. I'm just truly thankful for them!

Hope you all have
Happy Thanksgiving!

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