Sunday, December 23, 2018

happy sunday...


Saturday, December 22, 2018

good list

{all images from rustic rooster pinterest... HERE}

OK Mr. Claus! Lets get something straight! I've been on the nice list for the past 5+ years straight. Yes, with minor little slip ups, but nothing to alarm you. No embarrassing mom moments or wild moms night out... So Take that Santa! Ha So what do you think... All of these fabulous gifts should totally be under my tree this year... I'm crossing my fingers and toes. I would cross more if I could! Seriously, everyone how cute are these shoes and that bag... Oh My I love them all! Are you on the good list or the naughty list?

Friday, December 21, 2018

friday christmas f u n

How to Decorate Christmas Cookies – Simple Designs for Beginners


{image and recipe if from rustic rooster pinterest... HERE}

HOLY SMOKES these cookies are way too pretty to eat. I think If I made them I wouldn't let anyone eat them... A lot of swooshing would happen... And yes me yelling NO NO NO, Find something else to eat {get out of here}! This truly is some serious artwork. Ahhhh I would love to make these. One problem I need some piping bags and tips or something like that to paint each cookie perfectly. I think by the time I finished the cookies they either would be 1/2 eaten or so sloppy. hahaha OMG look at Santa he so cute! 

I'm game if you're game? 


Game on... Lets bake these cookies this tonight! FYI You would totally score extra brownie points with Mr. Claus!!!! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

he's back!

OH Mr. Jingles... I absolutely love and truly hate you all at once! I don't really remember the moment you entered into my families life, but I know you've definitely touched us all one way or another... Positive and Negative. Some nights you have scared my kids to death and others times I've caught my children talking to you with words of kindness {trying to give Santa Claus messages}!  But I do know without fail my kids look for you e v e r y  s i n g l e morning in the the month of December. I don't get a hug or kiss per usual in the am... Until Jingles is discovered.Its so cute to see this... They wonder what he's done or where he is. Some weeks he's creative others  he very still {totally forgot to move him} and stares! But now I have a helper {thank God}... Taylor has discovered that Mr. Jingles is created for little kids. She has moved out of the elf on the Shelf stage. I never told her it wasn't real, she just put two and two together on her own. Maybe friends or Instagram influenced her on it, but I still say, "If you believe then it's real and magic will still happen! Believing  with all your heart and soul will keep him alive... Forever!" I will never discourage my children in believing in Santa Claus, The Elf on the Shelf, The Easter Bunny... Or anything! I don't care if they're 21 and still believing... HaHa I hope so {wink}!  I will ask any question they have, listen so they can come up with their own discovery. I remember when I stopped believing as an older kid and to be honest with you Christmas that year was never the same for me. I was kind of sad. So I want to keep the magic alive in my house and keep their heart and soul in believing in Christmas! Happy December everyone... I hope you put a little more magic spice in this month! 

Monday, December 3, 2018

monday {menu}


pumpkin spice glazed cake bites


  • 1 box spice cake mix

Water, eggs and oil according to cake box 


  • cups powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup corn syrup
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin spice

cooking instructions:

  1. Heat oven to 375°F. Lightly grease 50 mini muffin cups. (you can make in 2 batches if you only have one pan)

  2. In large bowl, beat cake ingredients with electric mixer on low speed 30 seconds, then on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally.

  3. Divide batter evenly among muffin cups (about half full).

  4. Bake 10 to 13 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes. Remove cakes from muffin cups to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 30 minutes.

  5. Place cooling rack on cookie sheet or waxed paper to catch glaze drips.
    In 3-quart saucepan, mix all glaze ingredients. Heat over low heat, stirring frequently, until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat.

  6. Dip a cake into glaze and remove gently with a fork, place top side is down on cooling rack. Top with sprinkles immediately. Repeat till all cakes are coated. Let stand until glaze is set, about 15 minutes.

  7. Store loosely covered.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

happy sunday...