Tuesday, May 21, 2019

tuesday... truth

OK I have to tell you all something... I absolutely dislike it when people talk politics in public. I'm more saddened when they make you feel lesser than when you don't believe in their side of the road. I understand not everyone will have the same opinion, but that's ok. It's how we handle the topics. I have had people I grew up with say on social media... I'm de-friending you because if you don't believe in this or that you are no friend of mine. Really? How old are we!  I truly feel that is so sad. In my house I had parents that were Democrat and Republican {moderate}. Guess what people I absolutely love that... I loved listening to them talk peacefully and they both would communicate each side of the topic. No one would cry or throw tantrums. We had grace in our family... We truly did and still do! So when I see and hear people being so angry and harsh and bringing up politics in public I become sick to my stomach. Ughhh As I mature,  I have learned to smile and walk away. One time someone I knew very well, kept pushing negativity about a politician {this was a little while back} and I asked them to politely stop. It was so negative and harsh it was starting to wear on me... They stood up and screamed and said, I was stupid and young, what do I know. Of course I could have screamed back and got in her face. But I looked at her and said, I'm sorry you feel that way and ended the conversation with a smile. She stormed off in a huff. The next day she realized her actions were out of line and apologized. I smiled  and gave her a hug... said,  lets talk about your political side. I would've to hear it... After that she never was negative anymore in front of me. No side is correct... Truly! FYI please don't bring up politics and make people feel bad about their side. Talk and have a conversation. Just listen to all sides! You might find something fascinating from one party to the other. I love listening to each side... Everyone can make valid points when they are calm and logical.


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