Wednesday, August 4, 2021

why you need interior shutters...

via Jessica Buckley

I came across this photo the other day and it inspired me to share with you all of the wonderful attributes of the interior shutter! With so many options to choose from, the task of picking a window treatment can feel a bit overwhelming. So let me convince you as to why you  should consider interior shutters...

  • They work with almost any style of decor. You will find them in modern homes, English cottages, beach houses, and even Parisian apartments.
  • They add an element of charm and sophistication to a room. Real hardwood shutters can look as if they were made to go along with your existing trim, which does wonders for elevating a space.
  • They block out light, protecting both you and your furniture. Having constant sunlight in a room will fade its contents over time. And let us not forget that UV rays also have an affect on the people who frequent those rooms. Having interior shutters to adjust the light that is filtered into the room will help to alleviate these problems, while also having a positive impact on your energy bill! 
  • They add to your homes value. Quality shutters add to your homes aesthetic, making them an addition that will set your home apart from others on the market, and more appealing to potential buyers. 

So are you convinced that interior shutters should be at the top of your list? Quality, custom shutters are an investment, but with a little care, you will be able to enjoy them for a very long time...


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