Tuesday, June 14, 2011

get her done

It's time! Theirs no turning back now! We have to... Get her done! Everyday that I walk in the back office I get so frustrated. I'm sure you all have gone through this process before... One moment everything is clean & then the next moment everything is a disaster. It's very frustrating for me. I know in my line of business their is constant hustle & bustle of new products & furniture coming in & out... But, I'm ready for a pretty office. I need a pretty office now! I'm starting to have many more design meeting in my office. I usually go to my clients homes... But, now they're coming to me. So first impressions are huge. I know I have 5 seconds to either keep a client or send a client on their way. So out with the old... In with the new. Here are a few before pictures of our old office...
{removal of old office}
{removal of old office}
{bare walls}
{OH we've made quite a mess}
Now we have new beautiful custom made bookshelves to house all of our samples...etc.
Looking at all of my color coordinated fabric makes me so happy & extremely productive... Now I'm motivated to work everyday. We just purchased some exquisite bird prints that will be joining us in the office... Wow do I feel professional in this space. Can't wait to show you the end results. The prints are hopefully being hung today! Keep you posted...


  1. Really looking forward to seeing your new space. It's such a wonderful feeling to be fresh and organized. I find that it really helps my creativity.

  2. Looks AMAZING! You're motivating me to get crack'in on my own mess.
