Friday, July 18, 2014

wake up... wake up... wake up...

OK COFFEE YOU HAD BETTER KICK IN TODAY... I NEED YOU SO BAD TO RUN THROUGH MY VEINS AND WAKE ME UP! OH my last night was sure a wild one... Wait it was actually morning time.  We have new neighbors {vacation rental} a few houses down who decided to have a party till about 2:00am, then the police department decided to look for someone with a helicopter at 4:00am. WOW, that's so fun to wake up to spotlights in your backyard... Freaky! Of course I jumped up to make sure the kids were fine and all snug in their beds! Checked every door and window 10 times to make sure they were locked and closed. Ahhhhhh Hello I thought I lived in a safe little beach town. What's going on Encinitas? The whole helicopter thing happened last Saturday during the day too... What's up Encinitas!?!?!?! If it's all the vacationers... I think it's time for you all to go home. Hey bloggers... If you live in Encinitas what happened? Please share...

wake up

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