Sunday, August 4, 2024

happy sunday


Thursday, August 1, 2024

stepping out of my box {comfort zone}


Hello August 1st!

So, I started painting a little while back to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone and do something different. Well, I had a blast! I took a beginning art class in Solana Beach for a few weeks. I went in truly knowing nothing... And had so much fun! My teacher said, I was one of his best students, because I just painted! I didn't think about every last detail and contemplate my next painting move that an artist typically does. Which the term, "struggling artist" comes into play. I kind of turned and burned my artwork. ha ha ha I really enjoyed that class. well, I've made a lot of pieces that I don't know what to do with. A dear friend suggested that I sell them... Ok friends, get ready for a little art sale! 

Stay tuned... Next week will be my first online art showing!  Now, that just sounds so silly to say out loud... But I guess that's what you do call it... An art showing!