Saturday, November 30, 2013

shop local...

I know it's so exciting to go down to the mall and shop the big retail stores... Believe me I know. Yesterday, for the first time ever I did it with my kids. My daughter, Taylor begged me to go with her cousins... First off, I think I nearly had a panic attack... Way too many people were out and about, that I was overwhelmed and slightly annoyed. After seeing the lines for waiting rooms wrapped around stores, I started thinking... Really what am I doing? Why am I out and about trying to fight all of these crazy mad people just to save a buck or two.  Well, I do have to say it was an experience I will never forget. I know next black friday I will walk the streets in my local neighborhood and purchase from small stores. I feels so guilty because I am an owner of a small business. OK I'm human... But please stop and think about your local brick and mortar stores! Small businesses need your love and continuous support through the Christmas season. Take a moment today to walk the streets and shop small local businesses! Thank you {huge smile}!!!!!!


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