They say to whistle while you work... Oh man I'm whistling like a crazy woman right now! Can you hear me?
You know you've done something correct if an old client asks you back to do more work on their home. I must have done some pretty nice whistling... {wink}
My clients bought their home about 3 years ago... And from the day my clients walked into their master bathroom they wanted to gut it all! Everything! They couldn't stand all the Travertine that the previous home owner put in. It looked like someone threw up Travertine and couldn't clean it up so they kept adding and adding to it. Yuck! I'm going to have to agree with my clients on this one... It was excessive. So finally this year we gutted it all! Out with the old... In with the new!
{before - old shower}
{progress - new shower}
{progress - shower floor}
I'm still whistling... This bathroom isn't quite finished yet because of a few back- ordered items {mirrors and sconces}. Once they're installed I'll show you the after! Now I've started the kid's bathrooms. You will go B.A.N.A.N.A.S when you see those bathrooms done.
Hope you enjoyed a little before and progress of my design work! More pictures to come...